Meg's Snowy Fargo Adventure!

17 Jan, 2024

 Today's story is not like any other story. Picture this – a Mode girl, that's me, diving headfirst into the uncharted territory of a Fargo snowstorm. So, gather 'round, dear readers, as I weave a tale with unexpected twists and turns. 

 I would like to preface this and say I do not live in North Dakota nor have I ever. I grew up in California and currently reside in the DC area. This winter marked my inaugural visit to Fargo, and the days leading up to my departure were nothing short of picturesque – cold and windy, but undeniably beautiful. Then the day before I was supposed to head back home, an ominous warning came from my weather app – a snowstorm was on the horizon. None of my native Fargo coworkers seemed to be worried. I know snow is nothing new for you guys! So, I decided not to worry about it. Later that evening, I came down with the most atrocious cold. I mean fever, chills, sneezing, all the good stuff that comes with it. I ran to Target and grabbed some over the counter medication to help me get through until I was home. Granted, I was supposed to be home around 1 pm the next day. But little did I know that my quest for home was just beginning. 
 I had an early flight, so I woke up at 4 am to get to the airport with plenty of time to get a muchneeded coffee. As I stepped out of the hotel doors, I was met with a scene straight out of "snowmageddon." The white landscape stretched endlessly, and the snow showed no signs of relenting. But I refused to think negatively in hopes that we would still be flying out on time. Returning the rental car became an arduous task, we dragged- I do mean dragged, our suitcase in the snow. This is probably what our parents experienced when they were younger walking to school. Except, I didn't have a hole in my sock and there wasn't a hill! The automatic doors opened to the airport and the wind tumbled the snow and me through. Warmth...sweet warmth. I took a moment to defrost. Sitting inside, I marveled at the quietude and the compact size of the Fargo airport – a stark contrast to bustling DC airports. We finally made our way up the tiny escalator and straight to TSA. I can't help but emphasize – North Dakota is home to the warmest people! Waltzing through TSA was a piece of cake, a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of those strict, military-style DC airports. Finding our gate (a mere 20 feet away, or so it felt), the journey took a slight downturn. 
As I got to my gate, I looked out the window at the plane. You couldn’t see anything in the background. It was completely white. The wind was so strong it was rocking the wings of the plane and dust of snow hit the window. The hope I once had of getting home was slowly fading. As the wind got stronger, the plane disappeared into a cloud of snow and all hope dwindled as the gate agent announced a delay, which stretched on for a daunting 10 hours. 
 Oh! And remember that cold that came on suddenly? Well now it hit me with vengeance. Skipping the exhaustive details, let's fast forward – the wind and snow finally subsided, and our flight took off, turning a planned 5-hour travel day into a marathon 14-hour one. Exhaustion set in. 
I tell you this story, not to scare you about the roller coaster of traveling but to show that even us here at Mode Travel encounter delays, cancellations, and sudden changes. Though these situations aren't ideal, we know how to navigate these challenges. Each scenario is different but just remember, if your flight has been delayed or cancelled and you have a connection, get in line right away to speak to your gate agent. They will have all the up-to-date information. Your second action of business is to call us here at Mode Travel. We will handle the logistics; your transfers and we will communicate with your hotel about your situation. 
So, Modetrotters, buckle up – the journey may get bumpy, but every twist becomes a part of the travel memories we cherish. Safe travels!


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